Ciella Industries is an organization that is making a difference in the lives of hundreds of bikers in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a region where insecurity, violence, and conflict prevail. Ciella Industries provides GPS trackers that can be attached to motorcycles and allow the owners to locate and recover their bikes in case of theft.
Motorcycle theft is a common and brutal crime in eastern DRC, where armed gangs target motorcyclists and steal their bikes, sometimes killing them in the process.
Ciella Industries aims to reduce the risk of motorcycle theft and increase the safety and confidence of bikers in eastern DRC. By providing them with a simple and effective solution to protect their motorcycles, Ciella Industries is also helping them to protect their lives, their livelihoods, and their futures. Ciella Industries is not only a business, but also a social enterprise that strives to create positive impact and empower the local community. Ciella Industries employs local staff, who are trained and equipped with the necessary skills and tools to install and maintain the GPS trackers. Ciella Industries also collaborates with local authorities, such as the police, to facilitate the recovery of stolen bikes.
Ciella Industries is a Congolese company created to promote and develop technology in rural and marginalized communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It focuses oninnovation and creativity to offer solutions tailored to the needs and realities of its customers.
Ciella Industries specializes in GPS trackers, website design, web hosting, consultancy in education technology (EdTech)). Here are some of its services and products:
• Traceur GPS: Ciella Industries propose des dispositifs de localisation et de suivi des véhicules et des marchandises à l’aide du système de positionnement global (GPS). Ces dispositifs offrent des fonctionnalités avancées, telles que le suivi en temps réel, le géorepérage, le contrôle du carburant, l’alerte de vitesse, le comportement du conducteur, et l’accès gratuit à vie à la plateforme de suivi en ligne.
Website design: Ciella Industries creates professional, personalized, search-engine-optimized websites. We use the latest technologies and best practices in web design to create attractive, functional websites that are compatible with all devices and browsers.
• Hébergement web: Ciella Industries offre un service d’hébergement web sécurisé, rapide et fiable. Elle dispose d’un serveur dédié, d’une bande passante illimitée, d’un certificat SSL, d’un support technique 24/7 et d’une garantie de satisfaction.
• Consultance dans l’éducation technologique: Ciella Industries accompagne les écoles, les universités, les organisations non gouvernementales et les entreprises dans la mise en place de projets éducatifs liés à la technologie. Elle propose des formations, des ateliers, des conférences, des conseils et des ressources pédagogiques sur divers thèmes, tels que la programmation, la robotique, l’intelligence artificielle, le numérique, etc.
Ciella Industries est une entreprise engagée dans le développement social et économique du Congo. Elle soutient des initiatives locales visant à améliorer l’accès à l’éducation, à la santé, à l’énergie et à l’information. Elle participe également à des actions humanitaires et environnementales.
Ciella Industries is an innovative, high-performance technology company. It aims to satisfy its customers by offering quality solutions adapted to their needs and realities. It also aims to contribute to the progress of the Congo by putting technology at the service of the common good.
Our values are :
- Innovation
- Quality :
- Integrity
- Scientific research and
- Compassion.