The situation of motorcyclists in eastern DR Congo is a poignant example of the vulnerability of populations to armed conflict.

The situation of motorcyclists in eastern DR Congo is a poignant example of the vulnerability of populations to armed conflict.

Motorcyclists are the silent victims of the insecurity that reigns in the east of DR Congo.

They are often targeted by thieves, who snatch their motorcycles.

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Motorcycle thefts per year in North and South Kivu provinces

L’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est une région marquée par l’insécurité, la violence et le conflit. Dans la ville de Goma, à peu près 50 000 motards, utilisant la moto comme moyen de transport et de travail, sont souvent victimes de vols, d’agressions et d’extorsions. Selon une étude du Centre d’études pour le développement international, le vol des motos représente une perte économique importante pour les motards et leurs familles, qui vivent souvent dans la pauvreté. 

Ciella Industries is a social enterprise that is revolutionizing security for motorcyclists in Eastern DRC, by providing them with GPS trackers that enable them to locate and recover their motorcycles in the event of theft. The company also aims to create a positive social impact by contributing to the reduction of crime, violence and conflict in the region.

Addressing the gender gap

10 facts about women in technology

  1. Only 24% of jobs in the technology sector are held by women.
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Traceurs GPS installés